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C8 (8th to 12th May)

Host: Spain


On the week from the 8th to the 12th of May takes places the last mobility the I Care team will be doing as the project reaches to its ends.


DAY 1 - On Monday the Spanish team welcomed the partners. AT 9 o´clock the students did some ice breaking activitives and given a short tour around the school. At 10 o´clock students met teachers in the auditorium for the welcoming act. Some students from Spain danced for the guests. Accreditations and small presents where given. After this, there was a break and each country showed their presentations on “Go green” and did the panel debate. After lunch, students practiced the mascot theatre.


DAY 2 - On Tuesday morning two activities where programmed: yoga and robotics. After a short break, students had a workshop with recycled materials and teachers where explained shown and explained the different robots the Spanish team has in the school and how they use them. This day, the Moroocan families that learn Spanish in the school prepared some snacks of typical food and tea from their country. Before lunch, all the primary students from the school together with the Erasmus team celebrated Europe Day by doing the representation of the theatre with the mascots, read a manifesto and listened to t he San Bartolomé choir of students sing the anthem of the European Union.


DAY 3 - Cultural and sightseeing activities where programmed for this day. In the morning the Erasmus team and the hosting students travelled to Orihuela. Firts of all, they were welcomed by the mayoress of Orihuela. Then they visited the most famous monuments and museums (like the wall museum) and the house of Miguel Hernandez, a very international poet.


DAY 4 - On Thursday, the Erasmus team made a trip to Alicante to visit Saint Barbara’s castle and te Volvo Ocean race museum. In the evening took place the farewell party for students as some countries left on Friday morning.


DAY 5 - This day, the teams visited the Natural Park of La Mata and learnt abou the typical flora and fauna of the area and how they’ve been able to adjust themselves to the characteristical weather. Also, er visited the salt lagoons.

This mobility was both very productive and emotional for two reasons. On the one hand, some countries weren't able to travel for a long period of the project due to COVID. On the other hand, finishing the project left both a sweet and bitter tastes: sweet because we look back at all the places visited, activities done, people met and cultures discovered and bitter because no one really likes to say goodbye, although instead of a goodbye, the team partners decided to say "see you soon"

El proyecto “I Care” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del CEIP San Bartolomé y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the following page:

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