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C3 (12th & 19th March)

Host: Estonia


During this second mobility for students and teachers, it was Estonia's time to be the host who received the partnet countries from the 12th to the 19th of March. 


Day 1 - On the first day, the host country welcomed the other countries at the school andWelcome at the school and gave them a tour around the school facilities. Immediately after, the Estonian team gave a presentation on their country, town and school. Finally, after lunch, the partner countries where presented with the finalists of the Estonian mascot competition and a vote was taken.


Day 2 - In the morning, after the arrival to the school, the Estonian team organized a workshop so students and teachers could produce and design personal ecologic shopping bags, followed by an ecological live library workshop.

After lunch, all schools showed their presentations about the Live Library activities they developed in each country before meeting. As the last activity of the day, the students participated in the panel debate about volunteering talking about the things they did back home and the importance of it.


Day 3 - On the third day, the Estonian team organised a visit to the highest waterfall in Estonia, located on the Ontika limestone cliff (more than 30 m high). The waterfall can be admired from the side as well, which offers a lovely view of the layers formed in 400,000 million years. The waterfall is most exciting in spring and during floods. Valaste is more spectacular in winter, when northern winds blow from the sea, creating ice sculptures on the trees on the limestone cliffs with water splashes. Both students and teachers where amazed and excited with this trip and where thankful for it. There was also some time to think about the beauty of nature and, once again, the importance of protecting and caring for her.


Day 4 - In the morning, there was a walk organized by RMK hiking route in order to explore the area and clean the forest's tourist area. After this, students and teachers where taken back to the school so that while some activities where prepared for the students, the coordinators came together in a meeting to talk about future mobilities and deciding new words for the ecological dictionary.


Day 5 - On the last day, students and teachers had a ski lesson during the whole morning. In the afternoon, the meeting was evaluated by the use of questionnaires.


During this mobility, we all learnt about educational systems, the languages, each others tradition and culture and, of course, volunteering activities each country developed before the meeting. Also, the participants got the opportunity to learn about these things using all the senses, knowledge and experience. During the day the teachers motivated the students to use the learnt words and phrases and interact with students from other countries.  

El proyecto “I Care” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del CEIP San Bartolomé y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

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