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C4 (16th & 20th May)

Host: Czech Republic


During the third mobility involving both students and teachers, Czech Republic was the host and had planned many activities related to environmental issues and the relevant activities planned for the project. 


Day 1 - On the first day, student from the host country travelled to Prague to give the partner country students and teacher a guided visit of the city as some of the countries had their accommodation there during the first day of the mobility.


Day 2 - On the second day, the presentations about typical forests in schools' areas and countries where shared by the different countries. Students from all countries presented different kinds of trees that grow in their region. We learned how the trees look like, what their typical ecosystem is and a lot of interesting details regarding each species. In the afternoon, there was a visit and game activity planned to go sightseeing around the centre of Hradec Králové.


Day 3 - On this third day, in the morning both students and teachers took a trip to "Na Plachtě“. We all visited a nature reserve (Na Plachtě) near the suburbs of Hradec Králové where we were presented lots of protected trees, bushes, plants, flowers, little animals and insects, their importance in the ecosystem and the importance of taking care of them. We had guide with us all the time and were allowed some time and equipment to observe and learn closely about the fauna of the area. In the afternoon, students of the host school crafted over 20 mascots for the competition and had a hard time voting the best one of them. In the end, the overall winner was a knitted double sided tree with a healthy side and a diseased side. Also, students from each country presented chosen chapters from the book and it all concluded in a collective debate. At end the day, we planted a tree in the host school premises and each country decorated it with ribbons of national colours.

Day 4 - The next activity we went hiking around a beautiful forest near Hradec Králové where we learnt about some of the wild animals living in the area. We had lunch in a restaurant in the woods and  in the afternoon, we visited a sports park in the woods.

Day 5 - On the last day, in the morning the Czech team had prepare was an amazing trip to Orlické mountains where we walked along the mountain ridge to the highest mountain of this mountain range „Velká Deštná“ (1115 metres above sea level). We saw a lot of different coniferous trees that grow there. It was a great activity for students to interact, share and have fun together at the same time as they enjoy nature.


El proyecto “I Care” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del CEIP San Bartolomé y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

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