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In this tab, you will find a summary of each of our meetings and mobilities. These are very important for us. Collaboration and communication will take place online and in person during coordinators’ meetings and the mobilities, where he will monitor the project implementation process and prepare future tasks with the partners.

Specific tasks will be undertaken by each country. Each country will receiv all participating partners (teachers and students) once during the project. The hosting country has to organize the stay (find hotels and hosting families, provide ICT equipment or materials needed at school, organize cultural visits, record the activities etc.).  All countries are responsible for providing the organizational framework, choosing the students to work on the project and travel abroad, establish criteria for the students who will be chosen for the trips, build an Erasmus team of teachers and create a debate club or e-books as products of the subprojects.


The tasks that must be carried out have been assigned as follows:

Czech Republic : etwinning page, CLIL methodology , oxford debate, panel debate, mascot contest.

Estonia :Live Library, ILS ( Impriovement Language skills , evaluation, oxford debate, panel debate, mascot contest.

Finland : web page, ABL, calendar, song of the project, oxford debate, panel debate, mascot contest.

Republic of North Macedonia: evaluation, Creativity and Critical Thinking methodology, dictionary, oxford debate, panel debate, mascot contest.

Poland : rules of logo contest, debates, Formative Walk, song of the project, mascot contest, dictionary.

Spain: social networks, PBL and cooperative learning, oxford debate , panel debate,dictionary mascot contest

El proyecto “I Care” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del CEIP San Bartolomé y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the following page:

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